Effects of Exercise on Stress Management

Stress[edit | edit source]

Stress may be defined as a state of threatened homeostasis, which is counteracted by adaptive processes involving affective, physiological, biochemical, and cognitive–behavioral responses in an attempt to regain homeostasis.[1]

Stress and Health[edit | edit source]

Stress can lead to various physical and mental health concerns. American institute of stress has estimated that between 75% and 90% of primary care physician visits are caused by stress-related illnesses. Cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety, immune system suppression, headaches, back and neck pain, and sleep problems are some of the health problems associated with stress[2]. Stress also influences individual behaviors that affect health. Diet choices, sleep habits, and drug use are behaviors that are often negatively affected by stress The American Psychological Association (APA)’s 2011 survey showed that 39% percent of respondents reported overeating or eating unhealthy food because of stress, 29% reported skipping a meal and 44% reported lying awake at night. On a positive note, 47% of respondents reported walking or exercise as a way of managing stress. The detail about the effect of stress in our body is in the page linked in the topic itself.

Stress management[edit | edit source]

Below is the general stress management recommendations but a comprehensive stress management program will include specific techniques prescribed on an individual basis.Stress coping methods are the cognitive, behavioral and psychological efforts to deal with stress. There are many

Exercises and Stress[edit | edit source]

There are several evidences that support exercise as a coping strategies for stress management and improving mental health in people with chronic disease like diabetes, coronary artery diseases, cancer, etc. Not only that exercise is practicable treament for coping with stress among atheletes, students, elderly and even in adults.Moreover,regular physical activity such as exercise is the simple and inexpensive strategy to use in facing stress in daily life.

Physiology of exercises behind stress management.[edit | edit source]

The exact physiological mechanisms to explain how exercise improves stress have not been delineated. But previous research said that

  • being physically active improves the way the body handles stress because of changes in the hormone responses such as endorphins is elevated in plasma level following exercise inhibiting the central nervous system (CNS) accounting sensation of calm and improved mood experienced.[2][3]
  • physical activity increases the synaptic transmission of monoamines, including serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline which act as anti depressant affecting mood and behaviors.[2]
  • with that exercise serves as a time-out or distraction from one’s stressors causing claming effect and improved retrieval of positive thoughts.[3]

In the phenomenological study done by Jong-Ho in 2014 to explore the Impacts of Physical Exercise on Stress Coping and Well-Being in University Students showed that leisure-time physical exercise contributes to effective problem-focused coping through elicitation of positive emotion. The enhanced coping with stress, in turn, can influence the regulation of health behaviors, thus leading to overall well- being.[4]

What kind of exercises?[edit | edit source]

Aerobic exercise and mind body types of exercises such as yoga or Tai Chi have shown effectiveness in reducing stress whereas not much evidence is available regarding resistance exercises.

Eventhough the evidence between resistance exercise and stress management is lacking,resistance exercise can be used as time out from stressor.

While prescribing exercises, it should be individual based i.e considering specific and important consideration. Because of health consequences associated with stress, high-stress clients are likely to be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular events during exercise. Therefore, using the preexercise screening procedures outlined and endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine is essential.[2] Along with that common exercise barriers and stress-related health problems should be taken into consideration when developing an exercise prescription for high-stress individuals. Lack of time, lack of motivation, fatigue, poor sleep habits, and poor dietary habits are exercise barriers associated with stress that can negatively impact exercise compliance and adherence.[2]

How much exercises is needed to manage stress?[edit | edit source]

The recommendations for exercise in the role of stress management fit with the current health recommendations by ACSM (2015) to maintain their fitness and healthy i.e. at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. [3] According to Riebe et al., 2015, the domain of exercise and stress reduction, exercise interventions usually include at least three exercise sessions per week of atleast 15 minutes duration at moderate intensities.[3] Moderate intensities aerobic exercises include jogging, cycling, dancing, etc.

The resistance exercise prescription for general health benefits of 2 to 3 days of exercise to target all of the major muscle groups performed at a moderate intensity of 8 to 12 repetitions can be recommended.[2]

Individual having work-related stress using exercise as a time-out from stressors, shorter duration activity can serve the purpose, especially when lack of time or fatigue is a concern. Breaking exercise session into two 10-15 minutes before and after work can be really beneficial.[2]

The recent studies have shown that Tai Chi and yoga of sessions between 60 and 90 minutes performed 2 to 3 days per week were effective in reducing stress and improving feelings of well-being. A study conducted in a worksite environment showed that 15 minutes of chair-based yoga postures was effective in reducing acute stress indicating shorter duration sessions can be effective in reducing acute stress.

Self directed Stress management and home based exercise[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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  1. Stults-Kolehmainen MA, Sinha R. The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports medicine. 2014 Jan 1;44(1):81-121.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Jackson EM. Stress relief: The role of exercise in stress management. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal. 2013 May 1;17(3):14-9.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Sharon-David H, Tenenbaum G. The Effectiveness of Exercise Interventions on Coping with Stress: Research Synthesis.
  4. Kim JH, McKenzie LA. The impacts of physical exercise on stress coping and well-being in university students in the context of leisure. Health. 2014 Nov 7;6(19):2570.