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Patient Access to Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy Services / Entry Point
[edit source]

  • How do members of this country access Physical Therapy services?
  • What is the entry point or typical path the patient must follow in order to receive services?
  • Do PT's have direct access or are they part of a primary care team?

Therapist Preparation[edit source]

Degree/Credentialing[edit source]
  • What is the education process to become a Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist in this country?
Specialization[edit source]
  • Do clinicians specialise in certain areas of care and if so how?

Professional Associations[edit source]

  • What are the professional associations associated with Physiotherapy or Physial Therapy in this country?

Information about the Patient Community[edit source]

  • What is the population these PT’s serve?
  • What are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the population served?
  • Social/Cultural influences
    • What is the influence of the family on a patient's health status?
    • What are the typical patient's living conditions, family dynamics, and cultural back ground?

Delivery of Care[edit source]

  • Is delivery of care provided in a timely manner?
  • Special methods? Home health etc

Type of Health System[edit source]

  • Is it a national health system with universal access?

Payment System[edit source]

  • What methods to patient use to pay for service? (Insurance, bartering etc.)

References[edit source]