Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus Muscle

148px-Gray439-Musculus peroneus longus.png

Description[edit | edit source]

The Peroneal Longus (also known as Fibularis Longus) lies superficially at the lateral part of the lower leg. It is one of the three peroneal muscles.


Anatomy[2][edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Lateral condyle of tibia,

Head and proximal two-thirds of the lateral surface of fibula,

Intermuscular septa, and

Adjacent deep fascia.

Peroneo largo.jpg

Insertion[edit | edit source]

Lateral side of base of first metatarsal and of medial cuneiform bone.

Nerve[edit | edit source]

Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve, L4,5,S1.

Artery[edit | edit source]

Fibular (peroneal) artery.

Function[edit | edit source]

Everts the foot, assists in plantar flexion and depresses head of first metatarsal.

Maintains the transverse arch of the foot, due to how it crosses the sole of the foot.

Steadies the leg on the foot by drawing on the lateral leg, and stops it from collapsing medially.

Clinical relevance[edit | edit source]

Peroneal Tendinopathy

Peroneal tendon subluxation

Assessment[edit | edit source]

Peroneus longus and brevis tests

Treatment[edit | edit source]


Resources[edit | edit source]

  1. nabil ebraheim. Anatomy Of The Peroneus Longus Muscle - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim. Available from: [last accessed 17/6/18]
  2. Muscle Testing and Function;4th Edition; Kendall, McCreary, Provance; Peroneus Longus and Brevis Page No:203
  3. ReBalance Physiotherapy. Day -69: Peroneal Strengthening. Available from: [last accessed: 17/6/18]
  4. Tim Trevail. Dry Needling: Peroneus Longus & Brevis. Available from: [last accessed: 17/6/18]