Neck Pain Tool-kit: Step 1

This page is part of the 'Manual Therapy & Exercise for Neck Pain: Clinical Treatment Tool-kit' resource for clinical decision making, which provides evidence, techniques, and dosages for the use of manual therapy and exercise in the treatment of neck pain. Please see the main project page for further information, or proceed to Step 1 below to identify your patient.

NeckPainToolkit Step1 Logo.png

A) Identify whether the patient is experiencing:

  • Neck pain alone
  • Neck pain with cervicogenic headache
  • Whiplash associated disorder
  • Neck pain with radiculopathy

B) Indentify whether the patients symptoms are:

  • Acute (present for less than 12 weeks)
  • Chronic (present for greater than 12 weeks)

C) Click on the appropriate duration of symptoms to go to Step 2 – Determining the evidence regarding the use of manual therapy and exercise for the treatment of this population

Neck pain alone Neck pain with cervicogenic headache Whiplash associated disorder Neck pain with radiculopathy
Acute Acute Acute Acute
Chronic Chronic Chronic Chronic