Clinical Reflection

 Introduction[edit | edit source]

Clinical reflection is a skill which is now developed from university level, with the ever growing pressures for service development and self progression this is now an essential skill that should be put into practice regularly by every health care professional. 

So this page is going to run through:

  • What is refection and why we use it
  • How and when to reflect on events
  • Different methods of reflection

What is Reflection / Reflective Practice?[edit | edit source]

Reflection and reflective practice is advocated by many professional bodies to promote high quality service delivery, but what is reflection and reflective practice? Here are some definitions: 

  • Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice (Reid, 1993 p.305)

  • “Reflective practice is something more than thoughtful practice. It is that form of practice that seeks to problematise many situations of professional performance so that they can become potential learning situations and so the practitioners can continue to learn, grow and' 'develop in and through practice” (Jarvis, 1992 p.180)

  • a window through which the practitioner can view and focus self within the context of his/her own lived experience in ways that enable
    him/her to confront, understand and work towards resolving the contradictions within his/her practice between what is desirable and actual practice” (Johns 2000:34)

Clinical reflection is a tool which enables the individual to learn from their experiences and actions, this is not only applicable in the health care setting but through day to day life. It enables the individual to learn from mistakes and poor choices they take and acknowledge when things have gone well so this can be repeated; but to clinically reflect and utilise this skill in the health care setting needs some practice, as this requires critical thinking. 

Watch this video on reflective learning to find out more.