
If you need help using or editing Physiopedia you should find the answers that you need somewhere in the following articles:

  • User Tutorials - These help tutorials will help you to learn how to contribute to Physiopedia.
  • FAQs - General & Content - this page will answer all of the common questions that we get asked.  If the answer you are looking for is not here then post your question on the forum.
  • FAQs - Help - these pages will answer all of the questions that we get asked via the Talk page for this Help article.
  • MediaWiki Help - Physiopedia is run on MediWiki which is an open source wiki platform.  These are the official help pages from MediaWiki.
  • Wikitext - This page describes how to use 'wikitext' which is the code that this wiki is written in.You may want to have a look at this if you are making advanced edits to the wiki.

If you would like to try editing without worrying about damaging the "real" content of the wiki you can do this in a specific page called Sandbox.