Smoking and Exercise

 Aerobic exercise challenges the body's ability to supply and handle oxygen. For example, when performing high-intensity aerobic exercise, mitochondrial reactice oxygen species' (ROS) grow in number. ROS, is left unchecked, have have the ability to cause genetic mutations. However, several enzymes -- including superoxide dismutase -- are present to handle this oxidatve stress caused by ROS.The body responds to chronic aerobic exercise by enhancing its ability to cope with ROS. [1] Smoking also induces an oxidative stress; however, smoking-induced oxidative stress also inhibits the body's abiltiy to cope by suppressing the genes responsible for antioxidant production.[2]  The net result of smoking-induced oxidative stress is vascular and arteriolar inflammation -- further impairing the oxygen-delivering capabilties of the body. [2] Clearly, by limiting oxygen delivery, cigarette smoking impairs the ability to generate energy through the oxidative energy system. However, literature also suggests that smoking impairs anaerobic energy provision by altering contractile proteins, creatine kinase, and other glycolytic enzymes.[3] With this in mind, therapists should be weary of setting unrealistic goals for patients who are smokers.

Smoking is a huge risk factor coronary artery disease and many other complications such as myocardial infarction and sudden death. [59]Smoking is one of the biggest cause of death in the world. Smoking is also associated with marked, acute, and increase in blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and heart rate. [59] Nicotine is one factor that stimulates epinephrine and norepinephrine release from the sympathetic nerve terminals and adrenal glands, which explains that acute cardiovascular effects may be due to adrenergic stimulation at the peripheral levels. [59]Acute cigarette smoking is associated with a significant decrease in vagal cardiac modulations which may increase the risk of complications during daily exercise or intense physical activity. [59]Acute smoking affects the cardiorespiratory responses to both submaximal and maximal exercise, which can result in an increase of sympathetic dominance at lower levels of submaimal work.[59] Clinicians should be considerate of all options and treatment plans for patients who are avid smokers.

Smoking has also been found to have a negative effect on bone mineral density which is directly related to osteporotic fracture. [60] Smokers do not absorb supplemental or dietary calcium as well as non-smokers. Studies show that smokers on average have 20mg/day less available calcium than non-smokers. The full reason in which calcium absorption is decreased is still unclear, but one explanation is that smoking damages intestinal villi which is a major component in digestion and absorption of nutrients [60] The decreased ability to absorb calcium is directly realted to bone mineral density. Decreased bone mineral density effects the ability to exercise because increased risk of osteoportoic fractures.

  1. Vollaard, NB, Shearman, JP, Cooper, CE Exercise-induced oxidative stress. Sports Med 2005; 35: 1045-1062
  2. 2.0 2.1 Garbin U, Pasini AF, Stranieri C, Cominacini M, Pasini A, Manfro S, et al. Cigarette smoking blocks the protective expression of Nrf2/ARE pathway in peripheral mononuclear cells of young heavy smokers favouring inflammation. PLoS ONE 2009; 4: 1-12
  3. Barreiro E, Peinado VI, Galdiz JB, Ferrer E, Marin-Corral J, Sanchez F, et al. Cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress: A role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease skeletal muscle dysfunction. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2010; 182: 477-488