Knee Extension Resistance Test: Difference between revisions

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Purpose[edit | edit source]

The extension resistance test is used to perform a maximal provocation on the muscle-tendon mechanism of the extensor muscles. 

The extension resistance test is positive when the affected knee shows less power to hold the pressure. If positive we can say the extensor mechanism of the knee is disturbed.[1] (Level of Evidence 2A)

[edit | edit source]

The patient is instructed to perform an extension of the knee joint, while the therapist exercises pressure in the opposite direction (flexion). The therapist evenly builds up his pressure, the patient is to allow no movement in the joint.
Resistance tests should be performed on both knees and compared to one another.[1] (Level of Evidence 2A)

References[edit | edit source]

[1] Hagen, K., ‘Anterieure Kniepijn’, Afstudeeropdracht fysiotherapie HvU, 2005, p. 1-8. (Level of Evidence 2A)