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Objective [edit | edit source]

The scale's main aim is to asess depression in cardiac patient. The CDS was developed as a depression scale primarily to asess depression in a cardica setup and in cardiac patient[1]. CDS is a self report 26 item, seven point likert type scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree(7). The score can range from a score of 26 to a maximum score of 182. The items 2,4,12,15,19,20 and 23 are reversed scored (1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 6=2, 7=1). The higher the score the more depressive symptoms patient will exhibit.

Intended Population[edit | edit source]

The traget population is cardiac patients with diagnosed cardiac diseases. The scale has been tested on following population

  • Adult cardiac disease  patient example includes coronary artery disease, heart failure, post myocardial infarction, valve disease, arrythmias, ischaemic heart disease etc.

Method of Use [edit | edit source]

Equipment Required[edit | edit source]

Test paper and pencil 

General Instructions[edit | edit source]

The test reqires no formal training. And takes only 5 minutes to administer.The scale is of self report type, so patient is properly instructed to fill the scale ensuring proper scoring.

The Scale[edit | edit source]

The questionnaire consists of a number of statements about the way patient feel at present.
Next to each statement there is a rating scale from 1 to 7 for patient  to indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement.

Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly agree

The scale has 26 questions or statements for which patient marks from 1 to 7 and the final reading is taken.

Reliability and Validity[edit | edit source]

The interrater and the intrarrater reliability has not been established. In a validation study done in UK poulation for CDS. A battery of questionnaires (the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36 [SF-36] Health Survey, the Beck Depression Inventory [BDI], the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS] and the Cardiac Depression Scale [CDS]) were used to find out the reliability of CDS.The results demonstrated high internal reliability  (Cronbach's alpha = 0.93) and an acceptable test-retest reliability (0.79). Concurrent validation against the SF-36, BDI and HADS demonstrated strong correlations[2]. In an other study CDS was used in men recovering from CABG surgery. The result of study showed Excellent correlation with Beck Depression Inventory (r = 0.751, 0.787, 0.737, 0.819) at baseline, 6, 12, and 36 weeks respectively[3].

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Cardiac Depression Scale is under copyright. Further information can be obtained from Dr. Samia Toukhsati at [email protected] or Professor David Hare at [email protected]

[edit | edit source]

  1. Hare DL, Davis CR. Cardiac Depression Scale: validation of a new depression scale for cardiac patients. Journal of psychosomatic research. 1996 Apr 30;40(4):379-86
  2. Birks Y, Roebuck A, Thompson DR. A validation study of the Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS) in a UK population. British journal of health psychology. 2004 Feb 1;9(1):15-24.
  3. King KM, Colella TJ, Faris P, Thompson DR. Using the cardiac depression scale in men recovering from coronary artery bypass surgery. Journal of clinical nursing. 2009 Jun 1;18(11):1617-24

Kiropoulos LA, Meredith I, Tonkin A, Clarke D, Antonis P, Plunkett J. Psychometric properties of the cardiac depression scale in patients with coronary heart disease. BMC psychiatry. 2012 Dec 3;12(1):1.