User:Chirayu desai

Chirayu Desai received a Bachelors in Physiotherapy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, India in 2010. Chirayu worked in India for couple of years at a hospital in an outpatient neurology and orthopedic settings before moving to Toronto in 2013. Here, He pursued his diploma in Fitness and Health promotion from Humber College, Toronto. Chirayu has special in sports injuries and rehabilitation training. He is also a certified Kinesio-taping practitioner and has taken certificate courses in Manual therapy and neural mobilization. He plans to take up course in acupuncture and manual therapy in future. He believes in using holistic approach when it comes to treating client’s injuries. He likes to work on movement and muscle imbalance and uses corrective exercise therapy to achieve better outcomes. In his past time he enjoys photography, travelling places, playing cricket, running. He is excited to join wonderful team of complete balance health center, and looks forward to serving the neighborhood.

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This User is a member of the Musculoskeletal / Orthopaedic group This User is a member of the Sports Medicine group This User is a member of the Pain group This User is a member of the Public Health group