User:Kapil Narale

Name[edit | edit source]

Kapil Narale

Physiopedia Badges[edit | edit source]

White-belt.pngYellow-belt Mandeepa.png


About Me[edit | edit source]

I am a Health and Safety professional. I am also a Kinesiology graduate. I completed both of these programs in Canada. I also completed a Graduate Certificate in Physical Health in Sydney, Australia, and this is wehre I got exposure to the practice of Physiotherapy.

I enjoy learning about various aspects of the body, and helping to prevent and treat injuries and illnesses.

I am a runner, enjoy practicing yoga, and am interested in learning about these activities in the physiotherapy practice.

I would love to learn about running training, injuries, and rehabilitation, to help other fellow runners. In addition, I completed my first full marathon this year (in 2024).

I discovered Physiopedia through through research and studying of my schoolwork. I decided to participate in a MOOC last year (in 2021), which I really enjoyed. The project/webpage I created was greatly appreciated by the Physiopedia Team, and was published as a Physiopedia page. The page is titled Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Runners’ Interaction with the Health System. As a result of this, I was presented with the opportunity to join the Physiopedia Volunteer Team. I am very excited to dive deep into the world of Physiopedia, help educate others, and be exposed to various Physiotherapy content along the way!

Education[edit | edit source]

Lifestyle and Wellness Health Coach Certificate, Health Leadership & Learning Network from York University, Toronto, Canada

Graduate Certificate in Physical Health, Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Human Sciences from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Certificate in Integrated Disability Management from the University of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Health and Safety from Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Bachelor of Science, Honors Kinesiology Co-op from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Where you can find me[edit | edit source]
