Psoas Minor

Original Editor - Oyemi Sillo

Lead Editors - Kim Jackson, Eman Ammar, Lucinda hampton, Maram Salem, Oyemi Sillo and WikiSysop  

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Psoas Minor is a long slender muscle, placed in front of the Psoas major.[1]

psoas minor

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Lateral aspect of vertebral body of 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae [2]

Insertion[edit | edit source]

Pectineal line of pubis [2]

Nerve Supply[edit | edit source]

Small branch from the initial part of the lumbar ventral ramus(L1) [2]

Blood Supply[edit | edit source]

Lumbar arteries, lumbar branch of the iliolumbar artery. [2]

[edit | edit source]

Assists with flexion of the lumbar vertebral column [2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Gray, Henry. Anatomy of the Human Body. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1918;, 2000.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4