Neuroplasticity After Stroke

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Neuroplasticity: re wiring neurons

Following a stroke, the healthy areas of the brain around the damaged brain tissue region are able to compensate and develop new functions. Neuroplasticity is the term that describing this rewiring and reorganizing process. This process include: interhemispheric lateralization; association cortical regions making new connections in injured area; a re-organization of cortical representational maps. Brain plasticity leads to a great degree of spontaneous recovery, with stroke rehabilitation able to modify and boost this neuronal plasticity processes.[1]

Physical Activity And Neuroplasticity[edit | edit source]

Physical activity (PA) can promote neural plasticity.

  • PA effects in the peri-infarct site (post stroke): promotes cerebral angiogenesis, vasomotor reactivity, neurotrophic factor release; reduces apoptosis processes, excitotoxicity, and inflammation.
  • PA provides neuroprotective effects capable of reducing adverse effects of brain ischemia, with prestroke physical fitness decreasing the severity of motor deficits.[2]
  • Stroke therapy combining physical training with pharmacological treatments, is known to promote neuroplasticity. [2]
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a key facilitator of neuroplasticity. Evidence suggests that aerobic exercise is an important intervention for improving brain function, these effects are mediated partly by upregulation of BDNF. As such aerobic exercise–induced increases in BDNF help facilitate motor learning-related neuroplasticity for rehabilitation after stroke.[3]
Mental and Physical training increases neuroplasticity

Physiotherapy[edit | edit source]

Utilising the brains' ability to create and lay down new pathways the physiotherapist can play a big role in rehabilitation and improved quality of life. Physical therapy can positively promote neuroplasticity during stroke rehabilitation, approaches include:

See also Stroke: The Evidence for Physiotherapy

References[edit | edit source]