Infant development

"Typical" or "Normal" Infant development starts at birth. Also known as Developmental Milestones.

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Top Contributors - Neil Gokani, Kim Jackson and WikiSysop  

Birth to 12 weeks (3 months)[edit | edit source]

Social & Emotional

Smiles at people
Brings hands to mouth to suck on hand
Makes effort to look at parents  


Gurgling sounds with coos 
Noise initiates movement of head to side of noise  


Engages with face
Begins to track objects with eyes
Begins to recognize people
Can cry if bored or activity hasn't changed

Movement/Physical Development

Baby will maintain head control and starts to push up when lying prone
More fluid movements with limbs (

 16 weeks (4 months)  [edit | edit source]

Social and Emotional

Infant will smile at people, sometimes sponatenously.
Playful, especiialy with people, may cry when playing finishes.
imitates facial expressions such as smiling or frowning


Starts to babble
Imitates sounds
A variety of cries for different feelings including hunger, pain, or being tired


Responds to affection
Can grasp or reach for object/ toy with one hand
Coordinates hands with eyes for tasks such as seeing a toy and reaching for it
Tracks moving objects with eyes from side to side
Can recognize familiar people 

Movement/Physical Development

Can maintain head control while unsupported
If feet make contact with a hard surface, will push down through legs
tarts to roll from prone to supine
Can hold a toy such as a rattle and shake it 
Will brings both hands to mouth, one at a time
Pushes up to elbows from prone

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