Association of Physiotherapists in Parkinsons Disease Europe


About APPDE[edit | edit source]

The mission of the APPDE is to initiate and support knowledge transfer between physiotherapy clinicians, researchers, educators and managers, members of the multidisciplinary team, people with Parkinson’s, families, policy makers and healthcare providers to promote best practice physiotherapy for people with Parkinson’s across Europe.

The Association has four aims:

  1. To facilitate networking to promote best practice within the context of individual health care systems. To enable educational initiatives to be developed and supported. To provide a forum for discussion of potential research programmes in addition to facilitating and supporting collaborative networks in their pursuit of appropriate research funding. To raise the profile of the contribution of physiotherapy to multidisciplinary management of Parkinson's.
  2. How does APPDE serve the physiotherapy profession?

Resources[edit | edit source]

The organisation provides a number of resources including:

  • Practical Guidelines for Physiotherapy in Parkinson’s Disease - The APPDE has produced a DVD designed to facilitate physiotherapists’ decisions on the best treatment options throughout the different disease stages. The DVD is based on the clinical practice guidelines developed and supported by the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF) who, together with the pharmaceutical industry, provided supplementary sponsorship.
  • A film by Mariella Graziano, physiotherapist, Luxembourg, 2000 - The video has been made by APPDE President, Mariella Graziano, and shows simple and effective way to overcome some of the movement difficulties associated with Parkinson’s. It gives useful ideas on how to manage freezing, getting out of a chair, walking and doing two things at once. It is useful for people with Parkinson’s, their carers, and is a resource for the multi-disciplinary team.
  • European Guidelines for Physiotherapy in Parkinson's - As an important step towards evidence-based physiotherapy in Parkinson’s disease, in 2004, the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF) published the guideline Parkinson’s disease.

Membership[edit | edit source]

Join the APPDE and benefit from opportunities to:

  • Network with professionals with a special interest in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Europe and across the world.
  • Learn from other physiotherapists with experience in treating PD patients and share your PD specific knowledge with other physiotherapists.
  • Contribute to the development of European Guidelines for Physiotherapy in PD.
  • Access the latest developments in physiotherapy care for PD patients.
  • Learn about different health care systems and cultures across Europe.
  • Gain insight into the needs of people with PD and their families across Europe.
  • Attend meetings, conferences, and present posters at relevant conferences across the world.
  • Share information about what you do and hear about the activities of others via a regular Newsletter.
  • Contribute to the development of a web-based resource by sign-posting others to key information and resources.
  • Plan a course in your country with the help of the APPDE course team.
  • Undertake continuing professional development activity in relation to PD through learning via, and reflection on, resources e.g. Practical Guidelines for Physiotherapy in PD DVD.
  • Receive a free copy of Practical Guidelines for Physiotherapy in PD DVD on joining (English and Dutch translations, and some sections in French).
  • Receive free copy of EPDA Plus Magazine on a regular basis.
  • Benefit from strong organisational links with the Movement Disorder Society Health Professionals’ Working Group.

Find out about membership

Contact us[edit | edit source]

The APPDE is registered as an international non-profit making, non-religious and non-political organisation registered in Belgium.

To contact the APPDE, please email [email protected] or connect with us...
